It has finally happened! Thanks to Tabitha Jane and Arwen I now have about 42 luscious (can a dread be called luscious??) dreads all over my head. It took several different session, but between the two of them they got all of it done Thursday and Friday. (Thanks for making them look SO good!) Arwen has the pictures of the whole process on her camera, so I will post them later. Here is what the finished product looks like.... My head sort of itches today and I can't seem to remember how to take care of them all the different ways Tj told me to, but I still LOVE them. I just hope I can keep them up so they keep looking so nice.
And Ryan wont stop asking me for pot.
cute! i love em jess! now you have fully completed the hippie transformation.
you look so good you dread mamma you!!!
i am glad that you like them!
let me know if you need me to create some sort of owner's manual for them or something.
you're stoned right now, aren't you.
ack! what's that growing in your hair???
Wow, you look great!
I guess I don't notice dreads anymore.
remember that time I got you stoned.... and introduced Kileah to THC? haha.... I'm such an evildoer.....
but on a serious note: you know I love them and I am now actively growing out my lesbian emo hair so that we can be dread twins.
wv: doobie (no. not really.)
I want to know what happened when you went to church???
Congratulations! They look great!! You've done what you set out to do. Now all you have to worry about is keeping that baby from coming out too soon. Easier said than done sometimes... How long can you tavel? Like on a train per say? Not five hours? I wish you guys could come up here... Do you need me? Can I come down and help with anything? Even just everyday life? I call you.
I just need to comment again to tell you that I love that you don't have the word verification thing. It's just completely refreshing. Do you know I get them wrong a third of the time on my first try? I think I need glasses...
I might have to start calling you the Dread Pirate Robberts now.
I'd I'd appreciate it if you would shout "As You Wish!" with the effect of rolling down a hillside while you are shouting it.
Wait....would that make me Buttercup? Scratch the above request....
Instead, I need you to say
You: (grunting) "I have something that I feel I should tell you."
Me: "What's that?
You: (in normal voice) "I am not left handed either!"
There. That makes me Indego Montoya, which I like a whole lot better. And not just because Mandy Patinket is the bomb diggie.
nonono Chris, she's just Dread Pirate Jessica. Cause Tabitha is The Dread Pirate Tj.
don't think you're clever Mr. Alexander.... I've alrady thought of it.
oh. burn.
ps: I like you. I like you bad. But that was a way nerdy comment.
jess, i heard that things may be awry (how do you spell that?) after a washing? call me if you need to!
don't shave your head! you promised us 3 months of commitment!
i have tons of time tomorrow - call me and i will come up there immediately.
you wear them well!
your hair is pretty awesome...I think Mara would be proud. Remember when you guys danced as angels in the poruguese church christmas play? good times!
remember when you got a hotdog bun that you couldnt even eat at the portuguese dirty santa game? even better times...
every day i pray that you will post again...but you dont.
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