Part 1: Today for the first time in her entire life India Jayne ate 3 meals! Actual, real food (not maybe took a bite or two...if that) meals. In fact she even ate a few snacks in between! It's like she is a real 1 year old (or actually, with the amount, a real 8 month old...but can't be too picky right?). Yeah for a baby that eats food!
Now if only she would start sleeping for more than 2-3 hour chunks...which brings me to...
Part 2: Tonight is the night. Poor India is getting the harsh treatment, no more night time feedings, no more sleeping in her car seat. That is right...her car seat. My child's favorite and almost only place she will sleep is her INFANT carrier. I believe this stems from her spending a large amount of her first several months of life in it. She had respiratory and reflux problems and so needed the "propped-up angle" the carrier provided...but still, the time has come. Ryan and I decided last week to start it tonight...I needed this time to become mentally prepared because there is a very real chance that she may scream all night. Months ago we tried sticking it to her and she joke...6 hours straight...two nights in a row!! So now we are trying again. Lord help us!
And last I leave you with this...And your welcome...
This is the trimmed 'stach Ryan grew during our road trip to PAPA Fest. Yummy.
I'm so sorry about the sleeping issues India is having. We are so fortunate that Abby followed our sleep routine well. I pray tonight and the subsequent nights go well.
By the way, India is so freaking cute!!! Her eyes and hair are gorgeous!
something tells me that Al Gore: The Wiener may be thinking of Ry's Stachtastic Mustachio soon....
i'm just sayin....
(good luck. i'm sure she's screaming as I type this and that's not cool. so not cool.)
Thanks Lori! I didn't even know you blogged...I will have to stop by your place and take a look.
Arwen...Did you just say Al Gore's Wiener is looking at Ryan's Stach?
ewewewew ew!
how did it go with india? did the sticking it to her work?
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