1.) Lisa I like you. I want to be someone like you. I like how you show Jesus.
If you want to know more about why I want to be like Lisa, just check out her blog.
2.) I like Ty. Anonymous is pissing me off big time. In fact, I dislike him a lot...a whole lot. He made another hateful comment on Ty's smart blog. If you want to say anything to him...you should go there now. Ty please know that we think you are fabulous. Anonymous please know that hate is no aloud here...please be kind or go away. Amen.
3.) I want to have another baby. I want to have two kids to love. A little girl would be great, but another boy I would be happy with as well. Here is the hold up...
Ryan and I are feeling like I am not really suppose to have one. I was so sick the first time, we just don't know if I should try. At the same time it takes a lot of money to adopt. You see, working part time at Outback and work the other time with Renovatus for free doesn't afford much extras for things like...oh...buying children...for example. Does anyone know much about Foster adopting? The idea is just starting to go through our minds....
I mean I will be a stay at home mommy...so I can give the baby lots of attention...how does it really work? Anyone have experience with this. I am thinking little baby...I guess probably a drug baby. What are my chances of actually keeping him/her?
If you have any info on this...pass it along. We are still in the thinking stage...so I don't even know if this will really go anywhere...Pray for us, will you? Thanks.
4.) Where have all my funnies gone? I mean people, I use to be quite humorous. I am just not feeling it. Here I sit, trying to think of something...anything that will be light hearted...but nothing is coming. I guess I am just in one of those moods. Hmmm
5.) Sorry...sorry to you dear reader...this has been long, drawn out, and quite boring. So I am going to end now. good night.
6.) Remember Raj? Oh how I miss him...
7.) Peace out Suckers!
P.S. Why do I love dirty Pirate Johnny Depp so much??
dang.... your new picture looks good... you're really good at this blog thing!
But I am going to join the movement and post a Pro-Ty blog too. I know I already told you this, but I'm going to tell everyone else too.
CRAP! that's not you! it's me!
I love that picture. (The family one at the top, not Johnny--but he's cute, too.)
I wish I knew more about fostering, but the last time I was around a family with foster kids (Irene Powell's son, Bob), I was in grade school.
Any kid would be lucky to be raised and nurtured in your loving home. I'll pray for God to make the way clear.
(And thanks for going to bat for my awesome brother. You rock.)
i want to meet you, too. for reals.
i want to talk to you about my first pregnancy versus my second pregnancy... and a lot of other stuff, too.
email me rebecca hyphen marie at hotmail dot com
while you know you better than I do, I think that possibly part of the hard part of wombJones was that you didn't know what to expect. I'm not saying that it wasn't hard and it wasn't horrible, but... it was all so new... you know? But if you can infact get a foster baby, that would be so great too because, like I said, you guys have so much to offer a child-yours biologically or not- that either of those kids would be lucky. I'm not pushing one way or the other, but... I just remember the time right after Jones was born that you said all in all it wasn't really all that bad being pregnant... But that is for you and Ry to decide... not you, Ry, and your nanny...
i will be your nanny.
i will pray for your baby situation...that god will give you the tools and information you need and that he will make it completley clear as to whether or not this is right for your family.
i think i will call you today...i miss you.
"I don't know nothin bout birthin no babies!"
- Can anyone name that movie?
I also would like to point out that that pic of Johnny Depp says "Not approved for internet use" at the bottom. You are a total rebel.
Roni...it is Gone with the Wind. The actress was Butterfly McQueen :)))
Talk to Jan Miller...she is in the middle of the process now.
love you guys!
Oh yeah....You will have to fight me for dirty Pirate.
jan miller is adopting a baby?? crazy.
I like you. I like you lots. Remember that one time we were best friends for 2 weeks. Good times. My husby used to have hair like Ryan's, those were good days too. Oh how i wish to hold Rolo sweet black locks in my hand again... anyways, my sister has foster kids, maybe you can get some info from my mom. But, i will pray for GOd to make it clear to you what you should do. Maybe he will just heal you to have your own.
More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids! More grankids!
see there, jess, no pressure from the in-laws... none at all.
best. comment. ever, Kaydub.
Woah, dad. I've done my part. That's all I'll say about that...
Johnny Depp is hot. Even when he's grimy and yucky. I rented a movie that he was in recently 'cause he was in it and we turned it off 'cause it was just too innapropriate. Yikes! Too bad...
I'm thinking about having babies for all you woods girls. I'll just pop 'em out and you can feed 'em and stuff... I'd appreciate it though if you could decide who goes first. A little down time in between all your children would be appreciated, too.
Jones sure is a cutie!!! I just love him!
Jen, you have done your share, and we are all grateful. I appreciate the sentiment, and EVERYBODY knows you & Ben make great babies, but sit back; relax; you've done your part. You just sit back and reap the glorious, sweet benefits!
Speaking of kids & grandkids, for those of you salivating over JD, your children are going to look at pics of a guy with ratty teeth, nasty hair, oily gritty skin and badly fitting, deteriorating clothes and be totally revolted by your taste in men.
please don't stop trusting me as your blog techie: I made a comment that I wanted to delete but you would not let me so....
i signed in and deleted it.
please don't hate. I'll never do it again.
i like you.
it's time Jess. It's time to post a new post. and if you don't... well... you may just get moved down on my list.
Jones is going to school? How long have I been gone? I feel like Rip Van Winkle!
I know I have been thinking...I just don't have anything. I will try though. I will try for you...ARAWAN
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