Monday, September 04, 2006

If I could have just one person...

If I could have just one person to do my bidding it would be a cook. I don't mind cooking too much if I know what to cook and don't have to do the dishes, but seriously, how often does that happen? If I had a cooking slave, i.e. chef who could make me whatever I wanted to eat and would then clean up his/her own mess I would be so happy! I would clean the rest of my house (seriously sweet heart, I would even pick up my clothes!), I would scrub the toilets. Oh to have a chef! Oh to not have to wash my dishes that are piled high in my sink and overflowing onto all of my counters. I think I know what I am going to ask Santa for...I can't wait for Christmas!

If you could have one person what would they do??

P.S. If this guy was my chef I think he would always sing and talk like Mario from Nintendo...Infact I know he would, because I would make him. He is my cook person I can do with him as I want.


Unknown said...

I would have a consierge. (I'm not sure how you spell that.) You know, like they have at fancy hotels (think Hector Elizondo from Pretty Woman). Those guys can get you anything you want in like, 20 minutes. They're freakin' magicians.

I kind of have one right now, and I don't even have to pay him--just feed him and house him. I don't know what I'm going to do when Ty finishes his Thesis and goes back to his own life. I'm going to have to cook and shop and clean and do laundry and run errands again!

Jen said...

I think it's obvious. i would definately choose someone to wash my dishes. Just so everyone knows, I don't really obsess about the dishes but since i made it my blog address I lost my dishwasher and I'm feeling a lot more sad about washing dishes. Also, Ben does the dishes A LOT of the time but he got busy recently... Oh, to dirty all the dishes and have no repercussions...

tara said...

i would love to have someone to follow eric around and pick up after him. he is a slug who leaves a trail wherever he goes and i need someone to follow him and tend to his crap. that would make my life a little easier and i wouldnt have to pick up the same things EVERY day.

Jess said...

Oh my gosh that is what Ryan says about me. Maybe you should get Eric a cook. I told ry if he got me one I would clean my crap...maybe Eric feels the same way. Although don't you cook for eric? Crap...well maybe he needs a different servant.

tara said...

jess me and you are like twinsies...or you and eric are...either way.

arwen said...

i keep coming here to comment and then i end up leaving without commenting and completely forgetting what this post is about.
If I could have anyone do anything for me, I would have someone go to the bathroom for me. Yes. It's true. Know when you're super sick and you don't want to move but you have to go pee and you just wish you could ask someone to go to the bathroom for you? No? Just me? Crap. How about that pesky morning pee? The one that FORCES you to get out of bed and go when all you really want to do is go back to sleep but you fear that if you do, you will surely wet the bed? How great would it be to just ring a little bell and have Serge unload for you and leave you to go back to sleep?
Comprised. Of. Awesome.